Kaskal 15 11 03

LineText originalText translated
o. 110 dug gal[glossary=dug gal] i3 ⸢se2⸣-/er-dum[glossary=se2-er-dum]10 large jars (= 600 litres) with olive oil –
o. 2 1 dug-a 4 giĝ4 ku3-/ta (price) for one jar (is) 4 shekels (giĝ) (= 33.3 grams) of silver,
o. 3 ku3-be2 ⸢⅔⸣ša its silver (price): ⅔ mana (= 40 shekels/giĝ = 333 grams).
r. 1 8 ĝeškab2-kul še-du10 8 kabkūru-containers of juniper –
r. 2 ku3-be2 1 ½ giĝ4     its silver (price): 1.5 shekels (giĝ) of silver (= 12.5 grams)
r. 3 —-
r. 4 eren-da Erenda
r. 5 mu-kux(du) delivered it.

o.1: 1 „jar“ (dug) equals 20 sila (= 20 litres) or 30 sila (= 30 litres) after Powell 1990: 504-5 (see Lehmann 2016 : 315); for the „large jar“ (dug gal[glossary=dug gal]) in Lagash II Girsu, Colonna d’Istria proposed a size of 60 litres.

o.2: The price of one jar (of 60 sila/litres) of olive oil is 4 „shekels“ (giĝ) of silver; 1 shekel/giĝ therefore buys 15 litres of olive oil.

o.3: The copy shows only ⅓ instead of ⸢⅔⸣ mana; the correct number is possible according to the photo provided in BDTNS. The price for 600 sila (= 600 litres) of olive oil was thus 40 „shekels“ (giĝ) (= 333 grams) of silver.

r.4: Erenda is one of the most prominent persons in the Girsu administration under the Lagaš II dynasty after Lehmann 2016 : 230-235; Maiocchi & Visicato 2020: 77-84 attribute 19 texts to the „Erenda file“ (both transfers to Erenda and expenditures from his side).

The document records two sets of goods with the corresponding amounts of silver. Since the goods, olive oil and juniper, are listed first, the goods „entered“ (mu-du) the administrative organisation, whereas the amounts of silver indicated their prices which had probably been paid to a merchant. Thus, Erenda from the Girsu administration placed the delivered oil vessels in the storage rooms of the ruler’s palace.


  • Lehmann 2016 = Lehmann, Ulrich (2016): dšára-ì-sa6 und ur-ba-gára. Untersuchungen zu den Verwaltungstexten der neusumerischen Lagaš II-Periode aus Girsu. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 430. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Maiocchi & Visicato 2020 = Maiocchi, Massimo; Visicato, Giuseppe (2020): Administration at Girsu in Gudea's Time. Antichista 27. Studi orientali 10. Venezia: Edizioni Ca'Foscari.
  • Powell 1990 = Powell, Marvin A. (1990): Maße und Gewichte, in: Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 7, 457-517.