Vincente Leilan 156

LineText originalText translated
o. 10.0.2 se-er-di-im[glossary=serdum]sūtu (20 or 16 litres) of olive[glossary=serdum] (oil)
o. 2 1/3 sila₃ i₃.šaḫ 1/3 qa (0.33 or 0.26 litres) of lard
o. 3 i-na 1 sila₃ dutu according to the -measure of Šamaš
o. 4 a-na ša-u₂-um-u₂-ri for Ša’um-uri
o. 5 lu₂ lu-ul-li-im the Lullû
lo.e. 1 ša tu-ul-pi₂-ia whom Tulpiya
lo.e. 2 iḫ-bu-tu-šu-ma kidnapped and
r. 1 lugal u₂-wa-aš-⸢še?ru-šu the king released
r. 2 ša₃.tam.meš Disbursement of the intendants
r. 3 uruše-eḫ-na-aki[geogr=Šeḫnā/Šubat-Enlil] (in) Šeḫnā[geogr=Šeḫnā/Šubat-Enlil]
0 (Ruling)
r. 4 iti ma-aq-ra-nim Month ix
u.e. 1 [u₄] 20.kam [Day] 20
u.e. 2 [l]i-mu ḫa-bil-ke-nu [Ep]onym Ḫabil-kēnum

Line o. 1) It could be equivalent to 20 or 16 litres if the Northern Mesopotamian measure system was used here, although there is no mention of the gišban₂ of Šamaš; for this standard of measure, see Dossier A.1.1.23.

Although the logogram i₃ is not used, it could be meant olive oil, and not just olive, since lard is mentioned just below. For olive oil during the Old Babylonian period, see Dossier A.1.2.02.

This text is important because it is, for the moment, the only attestation of olive (oil?) and lard found in the documents from Tell Leilān; see Dossier A.1.1.23.