RTC 216

LineText originalText translated
o. 1⸢2c⸣ dug gal[glossary=dug gal] 15 sila3 i3 se2-er-dum[glossary=i3 se2-er-dum]2(?) large jars (of 60 litres each) and 15 sila (15 litres) of olive oil,
o. 2 dug tur[glossary=dug tur] 10c la2 1c (in) nine small jars (= 135 litres):
o. 3 lugal-iri-da Lugal-irida
r. 1 šu ba-ti received them.
r. 2 ————
r. 3 zi-ga Expended
r. 4dšara2⸣-i3-sa6 by Šara-isa

o.1-2: Obviously the 9 „small jars“ (dug tur[glossary=dug tur]) in line 2 indicate the measuring containers in which the olive oil was given out. The syntax with the number (9) after the counted item (dug tur) excludes a list with a second entry of olive oil. Measuring jars contained 20 or 30 sila (litres, (???)); in comparison with AO 03411 (CDLI P491932), Colonna d’Istria (in print) has shown that a „large jar“ (dug gal) contained 60 sila. The amount given as 15 sila thus corresponded to a quarter of large jar or to one „small jar“ (dug tur). We therefore deal with an amount of 135 sila (litres) of olive oil.

o.3: For Lugalirida, no specific role can be identified in the Lagaš II corpus (discussed by  Lehmann 2016 ; text listed also by Maiocchi/Visicato 2020).

r.4: Šara-isa was the leading manager of special goods issued by the central organisation of Girsu in the Lagaš II period (Lehmann 2016 ).


  • Lehmann 2016 = Lehmann, Ulrich (2016): dšára-ì-sa6 und ur-ba-gára. Untersuchungen zu den Verwaltungstexten der neusumerischen Lagaš II-Periode aus Girsu. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 430. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
  • Maiocchi/Visicato 2020 = Maiocchi, Massimo; Visicato, Giuseppe (2020): Administration at Girsu in Gudea's Time. Antichista 27. Studi orientali 10. Venezia: Edizioni Ca'Foscari.